Lynk Library of Knowledge

9496 Lynk's site for housing knowledge and information for the team.

Project maintained by LynkRobotics Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by Jimmy McCosker

Preseason Design Project

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In preparation for the coming season, we are getting students up to speed with design and Onshape. To do this we have started working towards building a robot cart from a design that is based on 4481’s robot cart. The goal of this project was to teach basic Onshape navigation, capturing dimensions, creating engineering drawings, Effectively communicating with manufacturing partners/team, and preparing parts for manufacturing

The reason we chose to work on this particular project, is because it serves as both a practical tool that will be needed for the season and it also serves to show new students how to finalize a project. The hope with working on this is to start the feedback loop of design to finished product far sooner than would have been normally possible in most beginner projects. Also, this should show what a somewhat final design could look like, which may help students understand project scope and what they are working towards in their own designs.

Here are the Onshape design files we created.

Static Badge