Lynk Library of Knowledge

9496 Lynk's site for housing knowledge and information for the team.

Project maintained by LynkRobotics Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by Jimmy McCosker

Update Time!!

Off-Season Update # 1

First (actual) Team Meeting

On 10/23/2023, we hosted our first actual team meeting (besides the interest meeting prior); the purpose of this meeting was to meet our future teammates, discover available roles within the team, and see a competitive FRC robot in action.

An actual robot? but how?!

An FRC robot that has competed before? Where did we get that? Well, a huge thanks to fellow North Carolina Open Alliance Team, 3506 YETI Robotics, from Charlotte, NC! They were kind enough to lend us their 2023 competition robot to showcase to the students different parts and pieces that go into a robot and how everyone has their role within an FRC team.

![20231023_183846 666x500, 100%](

As our mentors went through the different sub-teams, such as build, electrical, programming, design, business, awards, media, fundraising, etc. The students were ecstatic to learn more.

image Students gathered around while seeing how the elevator works on 3506’s robot 20231023_185005|690x388 3506’s Cube Outake being showcased 20231023_194213|666x500 More photos of the intake and elevator being explained to students 20231023_193737|666x500 20231023_193652|666x500 20231023_184549|666x500 Swerve drive being showcased (and the beautiful belly-pan of their robot)

We ran through in detail what kickoff is like, what the build season is like, the different competition positions, like drive team, pit crew, awards team, and scouting is like.

Overall, the students are excited for this pre-season, and the incoming 2024 Crescendo season.