Lynk Library of Knowledge

9496 Lynk's site for housing knowledge and information for the team.

Project maintained by LynkRobotics Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by Jimmy McCosker

Tools, Glorious Tools!

In preparation for the upcoming season, we have been creating a list of the tools we will need to get going.

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The goal with this is to create a list of all the tools we should need in a shop/pit for the season within a reasonable budget. When picking these tools one of the goals was to find quality tools that we can choose as a long-term standard, so in the future when we are able to spend more money on tools we aren’t saying let’s get better tools but rather let’s get more of these.

This list is built around our particular circumstances so it may not be directly applicable to all teams. We intend to mainly build with a tube and gusset design approach and that has led to some of the choices on the tools list.

There are also tools that we’d like to get at some point but we recognize they’re not necessary to run a season.

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One of the main reasons we’ve taken the time to create this list is that sometimes sponsors are eager to contribute but may not be willing or able to directly give cash. So having a list of items like this at hand can be a valuable resource where they can donate a specific item.

I hope these lists help some teams who are looking for what tools to consider and we would love to get some feedback on what we may have missed or where we could do better.