Lynk Library of Knowledge

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Part Five


In this part you will learn about making a objects and methods. We will be using this block of Java code for this part.

public class JavaIntro5 {                       
    public static void main(String args[]) {    
      motor m1 = new motor(0);              //new is used to create an instance of the class called an object
      motor m2 = new motor(1);
      System.out.println("m1 channel: " + m1.getChannel());
      System.out.println("m2 channel: " + m2.getChannel());

      System.out.println("m1 speed: " + m1.getSpeed());
      System.out.println("m2 speed: " + m2.getSpeed());

//Simple motor class
class motor{
    //classes can have fields that store data
    int channel;                //which port is the motor connected too
    double speed = 0;           //how fast should the motor be going -1 to 1
    motor(int c){               //This is the constructor, it doesn't have a return type or void
        channel = c;            //channel doesn't get a value set until the consttuctor is run
    int getChannel(){          //this is a "getter" method it returns a value
        return channel;
    double getSpeed(){          
        return speed;
    void setSpeed(double s){    //this is a "setter" method it sets a value
        speed = s;
    //a complete motor class would have methods that actually control the motor
    //most of those methods are already created for us in FRC

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