Lynk Library of Knowledge

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Project maintained by LynkRobotics Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by Jimmy McCosker

Part Three


In this part you will learn about todo We will be using this block of Java code for this part.

public class JavaIntro3 {                        //This creates the "class", for now think of each class like a document or file
    public static void main(String args[]) {    //This line lets Java know what to run when you click execute below
        boolean b1 = true;
        boolean b2 = false;
        int x = 10;
        int y = 20;
        if (b1){                                        //"if" statements decide to do something based on if something is true or false
            System.out.println("b1 is true");           //The statements inside the {} braces will run if the statement in () is true
        if (b1 && b2){                                  //We can use logical operators in addition to booleans
            System.out.println("(b1 && b2) is true");
        } else {                                        //"else" lets us do things when the if statement is false
            System.out.println("(b1 && b2) is false"); 
        if (x == y){                                    //We can use comparison operators as well
            System.out.println("x equals y");
        } else if (x > y){                              //"else if" allows us to check another statement if the first statement was false
            System.out.println("x greater than y");
        } else {
            System.out.println("x less than y");
    }                                           //End of main
}                                               //End of JavaIntro3

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